Barun Chandra, Ph.D.

Graduate Co-coordinator, Computer Science
Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Chicago
M.S. in Computer Science, University of Rochester
M.S. in Mathematics, Colorado State University
B.S. in Mathematics, St. Stephens College
Published Books and Articles
B. Chandra and M. Halldorsson, ``Greedy Local Improvement and Weighted Set Packing Approximation,'' in Journal of Algorithms 39, 2001, pages 223-240.
B. Chandra and M. Halldorsson, ``Approximation Algorithms for Dispersion Problems,'' in Journal of Algorithms 38, 2001, pages 438-465.
B. Chandra, H. Karloff and C. Tovey, ``New Results on the Old k-opt Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem,'' in SIAM Journal on Computing, volume 28, Number 6, 1999 , pages 1998-2029.
B. Chandra, G. Das, G. Narasimhan and J. Soares, ``New Sparseness Results on Graph Spanners,'' in International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, volume 5, Numbers 1 and 2,1995 , pages 125-144
B. Chandra and S. Vishwanathan, ``Constructing Reliable Communication Networks of Small Weight Online,'' in Journal of Algorithms 18, 1995, pages159-175.
B. Chandra, ``Constructing Sparse Spanners for Most Graphs in Higher Dimensions,'' in Information Processing Letters 51, 1994, pages 289-294.
B. Chandra, ``Does Randomization Help in On-Line Bin Packing ?'', in Information Processing Letters 43, 1992, pages 15-19.
Courses Taught
- CS 166 Discrete Mathematics for Computing
- CS 215 Introduction to Databases
- CS 226 Data Structures Using Collections
- CS 320 Computing Theory
- CS 326 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CS 622 Database Systems
- CS 622B Advanced Database Systems
- CS 632 Algorithm Design and Analysis
- CS 634 - Cryptography and Data Security
- CS 644 - Operating Systems